He was relieved of his command by the revolutionary committee. 革命委员会释了他的兵权。
That you relegate power to the war revolutionary committee. 你们把政权转交给革命军事委员会。
Serve on the revolutionary committee 担任革命委员会委员
Revolutionary Defence Committee of kadiogo; 卡迪奥戈保卫革命委员会;
The highly qualified Krekshi only got his teaching job because he had treated the wife of a revolutionary committee member. 现在革命委员会的成员不是藏了起来,就是已然被捕。
Socialist Political Development Way of Chinese Characteristics: the Necessary Choice of Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang 走中国特色社会主义政治发展道路是民革的必然选择
The Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomingtang, Hunan Provincial Theoretical Study Committee, the Study Group of the History of the Revolutionary Committee. 民革湖南省委理论研究委员会民革史及相关问题研究组。
Revolutionary Committee of Shanghai built Shanghai Foreign Language audio-visual Education Center. 上海市革命委员会筹建上海外语电化教学馆。
Briefing session by chairman of the hospital revolutionary committee. 山东省人民医院(济南)医院革命委员会的主席会议。
We'll take kalmykov to the revolutionary committee. 我们把卡尔梅科夫送到革命委员会。
History of Revolutionary Committee in Fujian Province 福建省革命委员会始末研究
It is believed in this paper that although Fujian Revolutionary Committee has been a total failure, it is of great significance to make a thorough investigation and to draw a lesson from it so as to perfect the socialist political system of China. 文章认为:革委会彻底失败了,但对其进行深入研究,从中总结出有益的经验教训,对于进一步完善我国社会主义政治制度,有着重要的现实意义;
On Fujian Province's Revolutionary Committee 福建省革命委员会述略
At that time, China Democratic League was dissolved, so the middle way declared bankruptcy. The foundation of the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang and the opening of China Democratic League 1 seriously 3 in plenary meeting represents that the middle-of-the-road parties abandoned The Third Way. 当时,民盟被解散,中间路线宣告破产,民革的成立和民盟一届三中全会的召开,标志着中间党派抛弃了第三条道路。